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Sarah “Sally” Charlton

Sarah Charlton

Sally Charlton kept house for her husband and three children.

  • Born Sarah Satterwhite
  • Married Richard Charlton by 1765
  • Had one daughter and two sons
  • Widowed in 1779

Marriage to Richard Charlton

Sarah Charlton, who went by “Sally,” married Richard Charlton by early 1765. Evidence of this union is in Sarah Trebell’s letter to William Palfry...

“Since you left us ther has been maney alterations in our City, by the Death of Mr. Yates, your friend Mr. Horrocks is now President of Wm & Mary Collage, and Minester of our Parish, & is in a short time to be Married to Miss Fanny Everard, your favourite Sally Satterwhite has followed your example & is Married to Mr. Rd. Charlton, & my brother Jamie to Molly English . . . .”

The Charltons’ daughter Jane was born on August 21, 1766. The couple also had two sons, Edward and Thomas, but their birth dates and birth order are not known.

Managed household and raised children

Presumably, Mrs. Charlton would have run the household, reared the couple’s three children, managed and directed their slaves, and assisted with their coffeehouse or tavern operations.

Widowed in 1779

With Richard Charlton’s death in late 1779, Sarah was left to manage her young family alone. She also became one of the executors of her husband’s estate along with Robert Prentis and John Galt.

There is no indication that she continued to operate a tavern. Her brother-in-law and his wife, Edward and Jane Charlton lived nearby and were both childless and well-to-do, and they may have taken a part in assisting this widow and orphans. The last reference to Mrs. Charlton is dated 12 April 1783.

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