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Citizenship Unites All Americans

Teacher and studentsWe may not have the same religion, origins, or race, but we all share an essential belief in America.

Recent surveys show growing numbers of new Americans are unfamiliar with the founding principles of our republic. At the same time, there is a broad effort to deemphasize American history education in public schools.

It is vital for citizens to understand their history.

Advocacy ...

For us, advocacy means telling people about exciting Colonial Williamsburg programs and initiatives based on American history and civics. It also means raising awareness nationwide about the need for history, social studies, and citizenship education.

  • Education is important—we learn our responsibilities as citizens; we are not born knowing them
  • We learn how to understand the values that are important to Americans
  • We teach ourselves how to evaluate issues
  • We teach ourselves how to participate in the ongoing conversation, “The Great Debate,” that is America

How Can You Be an Advocate?

An Advocate may meet with community leaders or organizations. He or she might speak to school administrators and teachers. Or, simply chat with friends about Colonial Williamsburg’s engaging materials and powerful mission.

Will you help us?

Visit the links below to become a Colonial Williamsburg Advocate.

The Idea of America™ Teacher Institute
