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Trend & Tradition
In 2016, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation introduced a redesign of The Colonial Williamsburg Journal. Long known simply as The Journal, the magazine has a new name in addition to its new look — Trend & Tradition. This publication offers articles, photography, and art that showcase the life of Williamsburg’s historic core and its people — then and now. The full-color magazine is published four times a year by the nonprofit educational foundation responsible for the restoration, preservation, and interpretation of the city that was Virginia’s capital from 1699 to 1780.
The online version of the magazine highlights several stories from each issue, offering additional images, and occasionally audio and video clips. The printed magazine is mailed to individuals and organizations who donate $35 or more a year to the charitable, tax-exempt, and publicly supported Colonial Williamsburg Fund.
Past issues of The Journal can be found online here.
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