The division of the North from South comes from our understanding of American History.
From the article “Separated by a Common History” in the Winter 2013 journal.
Chronological chart of American history from Columbus discovering America in 1492 to 1881 forest fires in Michigan, circa 1881. Library of Congress
John C. Calhoun was an outspoken proponent of slavery and encouraged the South to secede from the Union, circa 1852. Library of Congress
A political cartoon depicts the Reconstruction of the South in this 1857 print. Library of Congress
Uncle Sam argues with a woman. He holds a newspaper with "United" while she has one marked "States." A slave is in the background, circa 1861. Library of Congress
Civil War General Charles Francis Adams Jr., in rocking chair, and three Union officers, are captured on camera, circa 1864. Library of Congress
A Currier & Ives idyllic version of New England life, circa 1866. Library Library of Congress
Lady Liberty holds the 14th Constitutional Amendment "baby" and tells Andrew Johnson to fix "that job" of the leaking kettle—the reconstructed South, 1866. Library of Congress